To perform a cross chain swap() in solidity, here is an example:
For the native gas fee required for swap() you need to call quoteLayerZero() on the Router.sol contract to get the amount you should send as msg.value.
First determine the swap fee, then call swap() to transfer the asset to the destination chain.
// perform a Stargate swap() in a solidity smart contract function
// the msg.value is the "fee" that Stargate needs to pay for the cross chain message
10006, // send to Fuji (use LayerZero chainId)
1, // source pool id
1, // dest pool id
msg.sender, // refund adddress. extra gas (if any) is returned to this address
_amountLD, // quantity to swap in LD, (local decimals)
_minAmountLD, // the min qty you would accept in LD (local decimals)
IStargateRouter.lzTxObj(0, 0, "0x") // 0 additional gasLimit increase, 0 airdrop, at 0x address
abi.encodePacked(msg.sender), // the address to send the tokens to on the destination
bytes("") // bytes param, if you wish to send additional payload you can abi.encode() them here
To perform a swap() using ethers via a frontend, use the abi and call swap() on the Router contract instance:
let tx = await router.swap(
2, // destination chainId
1, // source poolId
1, // destination poolId
yourAddress, // refund address. extra gas (if any) is returned to this address
_amountLD, // quantity to swap in LD (local decimals)
_minAmountLD, // the min qty you would accept in LD (local decimals)
{ dstGasForCall: 0, dstNativeAmount: 0, dstNativeAddr: "0x" },
yourAddress, // the address to send the tokens to on the destination
"", // payload
{value: fee} // "fee" is the native gas to pay for the cross chain message fee. see
TESTNET ONLY: For the fee parameter, if you wish to simply guess the fee, you can do something like this, as Stargate will refund the caller the additional gas amount if they send too much.
let messageFee = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.025'); // send 0.02 eth converter to wei
await stargateRouter.swap(..., {value: messageFee}); // swap asset across chains