Launch Date: March 17th, 2022 12 PM EST
Stargate Protocol Launch Details
Join the Stargate protocol & launch omnichain DeFi. The launch is separated into 2 different phases:
Launch Auction - Bootstrapping an STG-USDC pool on Ethereum
Bonding - Building protocol owned liquidity with Stargate
Phase 1: Launch Auction
Swap USDC for STG to create STG-USDC DEX liquidity.
How it works:
The launch auction will remain open for 48 hrs or until 25M USDC is added to the launch auction contract, whichever occurs first.
10% of the STG token supply will be auctioned and are locked for 1-year and unlock linearly over 6 months thereafter.
This liquidity plus an additional 5% of the STG supply will bootstrap the STG-USDC Curve pair and will be protocol owned.
Because their STG is locked, contributors will receive aSTG, which represents their ownership share of the 10% STG token. Here's how contributors can calculate their share of the auction:
(Contributor aSTG balance / Total aSTG balance) * 100M STG = contributor STG balance
While their STG is locked, contributors will also receive veSTG (voting escrow STG). Learn more on Stargate governance.
Once the launch auction closes:
The STG-USDC Curve pair will go live.
The bonding phase will begin.
Phase 2: Bonding
Add stablecoin to Stargate bonding curves and receive STG tokens while building Stargate’s protocol owned liquidity.
How it works:
15.95% of the STG supply will go towards 12 STG bonding curves.
The initial bonding price will be the opening STG price on the STG-USDC Curve pool.
The bonding price will increase linearly as contributors purchase STG tokens on individual chains.
Unlike the Auction, contributors will receive their STG tokens immediately.
Bonding curves will stay open for 72 hours or until STG reaches 3x the opening bonding price, whichever occurs first.
Token allocations across all chains are:
Ethereum - 40M STG
Avalanche - 27M STG
Polygon - 27M STG
Fantom - 22.5M STG
Arbitrum - 13M STG
Optimism - 8M STG
Last updated